Museum D'Orsay, Paris

The Orsay Museum (Musée d'Orsay in French) is an art gallery located in Paris, France, dedicated to the arts of the nineteenth century, and more specifically, the period from 1848 to 1914. 

Building occupies the former Orsay railway station and houses the largest collection of Impressionist paintings in the world, with masterpieces of painting and sculpture as Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia Edouard Manet, a test of the statue Small dancer fourteen years of Degas, Dance at the Moulin de la Galette by Renoir, several key works of Courbet (the origin of the world, Burial at Ornans, the artist's studio) and even five paintings by Serie des Monet Rouen cathedrals. Chronologically, this museum covers the history of art from the ancient masters (which are in the Louvre) and modern and contemporary art (at the Georges Pompidou Center).

In the space now occupied by the Musée d'Orsay palace garden she was and Marguerite de Valois.

The current museum building was created between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The land, which had been the scene of a fire in 1871. The complex was designed by architect Victor Laloux and inaugurated on the dates the start of the contest. It consisted of a hotel and that proper station (which remained 39 years in asset).

After being employed for various uses until the early 1970s, the building would be destined to museum thanks to a resolution of the French state. In 1973, the Directorate of Museums of France conceived the project of establishing a museum in the Orsay railway station, threatening ruin and there was talk of building a hotel, which was entered in the Supplementary Inventory of Historic Monuments 8 March 1973. the formal decision to build the museum came with the council of ministers of 20 October 1977.

Being a building with iron structure, partly favored this adaptation to museum approaches today. the whole structure of the great nave was removed to arbitrate a narrative sequence of an artistic period posibilitase a linear path, while adjacent areas are used to host other services.

The refurbishment of the station to the museum were carried out between 1981 and 1986, taking charge of exterior remodeling-ACT study Architecture and interior installation equipment by the architect Gae Aulenti. 

The official opening took place on December 1, 1986, by the President of the Republic, François Mitterrand. It opened to the public on 9 March.

The three-storey building is divided the house a unique collection of art of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, from various museums, institutions ordered chronologically, and has priceless works of great authors of the history of art as Delacroix , Degas, Millet, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Latour, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat and Derain, among many other examples of painting and sculpture.


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