Art Institute of Chicago artworks

The Art Institute of Chicago (Art Institute of Chicago) is one of the major museums in Chicago and has been classified by experts as the fifth most important in the United States.

The museum has the third collection (for its size) in the United States a total of 260,000 art objects and artifacts from the history of mankind. In addition to the impressionists and post-impressionists samples, the institute is known for its exhibitions of European painting from the early 20th century, sculpture, contemporary art, Japanese prints and photographs.

The European collection is one of the best in the world and contains more than 3,500 works from the 12th century and mid-20th century, along with Spanish, Italian and northern European 15th century paintings and a selection of paintings from the s

Among the impressionist paintings they stand out the works of the greatest exponents of that era: Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Alfred Sisley, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Eugène-Louis Boudin, Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Cezanne and Edouard Manet, among others.

The Modern Wing of the museum, which was opened in May 2009, showing works of the 20th century with sculptures and paintings from Europe, contemporary art, architecture, designs and photographs. The building was designed by Renzo Piano and has three floors. The Nichols Bridge, also designed by Piano, connects this area with the famous Millennium Park, located just outside the museum.


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